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The Light that Draws Me: Self Portrait 2023.jpg

Original Paintings and Drawings in Watercolor, Gouache, Charcoal, and Graphite.

About the Artist​

Welcome to my online studio :)

I am Sherah Martin Kemp (formerly sold my art as Sherah Martin) and I am a realist artist located near the Savannah, Georgia area. I currently live about 45 minutes out from downtown Savannah, in Guyton, with my husband Emil Kemp, and our little girl, Bethel. From North Florida originally, I moved to this area in 2019. I sold my art professionally for a few years in Florida, before making some life changes that required me to set my art aside for a time. Meeting Emil, getting married, and having a daughter made it possible for me to get back to doing art professionally. So now I am splitting time between being a full time artist as well as a full time, stay-at-home mom (both roles I love dearly). I work out of my studio which is actually only a small corner in our little 750 sq. ft. renovated 1930's home.


As far as my beginnings, I have always known I was meant to be an artist. I remember telling my Mama when I was about 3 years old (while finger-painting a house and stick figures picture on our kitchen floor) that I was going to be an artist when I grew up. My parents encouraged that desire by getting me art supplies and always being an emotional, financial, and spiritual support. I am self-taught, but try to learn from every artist I meet or come across both in books and online, and initially taught myself watercolor painting, by profusely reading art books; before we had internet. Later I tried gouache also, and eventually friends and family began to ask to buy my work. It hasn't necessarily been a direct path to where I am today. I couldn't work full time in art when I wanted to at first, and it took a lot of hard work, and waiting to get here now.


My goal in my art is to express the beauty I see in the things around me - to express my own wonder and amazement at the beauty that my Heavenly Father - who is the Master Creator and Master Artist - has surrounded us with. Reminders of the unfailing love of a Savior; close-ups of an amazing and breathtaking world; and always the nuances of light that change every moment, saying something new and different with each change.


I am a professional artist, which means I do this for a living - the artwork I create I mostly create to sell. While creating an income is important in my choices, I must always be true to what my vision and goal in my art is. If an artist does not share a piece of themselves and their view of the world, or what gave them the passion to create in the first place; then they might as well put away their brushes. My art is a part of who I am. It has been a journey and will continue to be. I hope it never stagnates but continues to grow, improve, and spread out like ripples... to enlighten, encourage, bring hope, joy, and peace in a dark world.


I encourage questions and feedback so please check out my contact page to get in touch!



About the Art

I work in mostly gouache and watercolor (occasionally in graphite). I consider my style to be mostly realism, and when I paint something that may seem abstract, there is always an element of strong realism to it. I am also a photographer, and I use this skill to start out with strong photo references, from which to jumpstart a painting.

I consider myself to be a painter of light: a pursuer, and studier of light. It is the subject of all of my paintings in one sense or another. The "subjects" of my paintings may seem to shift from landscape, to portrait, to still life; but the underlying theme of light is always present.




Where to Purchase


This is something that is constantly changing, so please check out my "purchase art" page, for the most up-to-date info on where to find both originals as well as prints.




Career History/Accomplishments


I have sold many, many paintings (I haven't kept record as to amount) as well as been commissioned for projects large and small. Although I only ever worked by word of mouth when I worked in FL, as well as the occasional market; since moving to the Savannah area, I have begun to work with galleries when the opportunity arises, as well as participate in local arts markets.


  • In June 2022 participated in Arts on the Coast's annual exhibit "Freestyle" that took place at the Photopoint Gallery in Richmond Hill, GA. My painting "Evening Reflections on the Savannah River" was shown during that exhibit.


  • In October, 2022 awarded the opportunity to be included in The Light, Space, & Time Online Art Gallery's Annual Juried "Patterns, Textures, & Forms" online exhibit, with my painting "Symphony of Lights, No. 1"


  • In January, 2023 my painting "Autumn Ripples" was juried into the online gallery "Gallerium Art for the "Aqua" exhibit by Biafarin.


  • In April, 2023, my painting "Ancient One" was juried into the "Savannah Squares" exhibit at the Savannah Gallery of Art, located in Downtown Savannah, GA.


  • July 8th through August 18th of 2023 I had my first solo art exhibit. Titled "The Light that Draws Me" it was held at the Savannah Gallery of Art, in Downtown Savannah and featured work from my "Savannah at Night" Collection, as well as my latest series "Set Free".


  • From August 2023 through January 2024, I was represented by the Grand Bohemian Gallery, Plant Riverside in Savannah, GA.


  •  â€‹Starting in February 2024 I will be showing work at Gallery 8 in downtown Savannah, GA.






6th Patterns 2022 Ribbon.jpg
About the Artist
About the Art
Where to Purchase
Career History/accomplishments

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