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Current Portfolio

Below are links to my recent works, separated by collection. If you click on the image it will take you to a page with all the works of that collection listed.

Awakening Blossom-2.jpg

 "Set Free" is a series of paintings that includes sunsets, skyscapes, silhouetted trees, and a few other surprises. The theme of this collection is as it's name implies. I felt the need to paint things that were flowing and free and full of life, light, and beauty. Including mostly nature scenes, this collection has been produced primarily during the first part of 2023.

Nighfall on Bay  10x6.666.jpg

Released in 2022, the "Savannah at Night" collection features beautiful night scenes of the old city, with gleaming lights, glistening reflections and abundant detail. Some of the works have sold, but there are still a number of them available. You can see the whole collection by clicking the link to the left here. If you are looking to purchase one, however, please visit my "Purchase Art" page to see which ones are currently available, and where to purchase them at.


This is a gallery of original works, from before 2020. The main reason I note this year is because my name legally changed from Sherah Victoria Martin, to Sherah Martin Kemp when my husband, Emil, and I married in 2020. I made the decision to change my signature at that time as well. These are the last two originals I will be selling with my "Sherah V. Martin" signature. These paintings are both currently available for purchase. Prices are listed for both originals and prints. Please reach out to me via my contact info on contact page or through social media to purchase. Shipping rates may apply.

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