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Pre-2020 Works:

This page lists the works available for purchase that were painted before 2020. They are both signed with my maiden name signature of "Sherah V. Martin" or "SVM". All my works that are completed after February of 2020 now have my married signature of "Sherah Martin Kemp".

Both Paintings are currently available for purchase. Please see my "Purchase Art" page to see how and where to purchase.

Autumn Ripples

Summer Fruit                              



Gouache on artboard, varnished. 8"x10". Framed in rustic black frame. Available for purchase: Price: $300


This is one of the first paintings I really played around with a technique I like to use to create depth. I find I am most successful in doing it with gouache; but the technique is that I purposely blur parts of the image that are either in the distance or foreground and only allow the subject to be in sharp focus. Many artists utilize this technique to add realism to their art and for this piece - when viewed in person - it makes the peaches appear to be within arms reach, as though they could be picked right out of the painting. The light dancing off different areas of the peaches are what inspired me to paint this piece.


Gouache on Aquabord, varnished. 8"x10". Framed in simple black frame. Currently Available for purchase through the Savannah Gallery of Art


The reference photo I used for this painting, I shot at a pond not far from what was my home at the time (still my parents home). It was a place I visited often for serious thinking, prayer, and fresh air. I had often observed the ripples formed when I would throw a stick or rock into the pond and think about the effect our lives have on others in this way. It starts out as an action in one small location, but spreads out and effects places and people we may never even meet. I wanted to depict this in a painting; so I gathered some limerocks and threw them in; capturing photo after photo at the moment they hit the water. I changed the coloring of the water from the bright greens of summer, to these golds; so there would be an Autumn time effect. It took about 40 hours to complete this painting.


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