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"Set Free"

My latest series is full of skies, trees, and nature; all evoking a sense of being "set free" to blossom, to grow, and to flourish.

The Paintings:

After a long 2 and a half year battle with cancer, we lost my Daddy in December of 2022. In 2023 I started this series, needing to paint things to help me release so many emotions at once. My Daddy was set free from his suffering, and I think a large part of the idea for the series came from the bittersweet thought of that. Knowing we would miss him horribly, and yet knowing he was set free to return to His Savior and never feel pain again. And through the process of his cancer and passing, my family and I grew closer, and I found myself being set free from many things; that I didnt realize were imprisoning me, as I would sit by Daddy's side and hear him pray, or see the light in his eyes through the suffering. I hope these peaceful, and yet passionate nature scenes, will display the power of being "set free" in Christ.

"A Pillar of a Cloud"


Original gouache painting, varnished archivally, and cradled on wood. Size of painting, aprox. 24"x18".



Exodus 13:21


In Exodus, God leads His children at night by flame, but during the day by "A Pillar of a Cloud". I have always found great comfort in clouds - especially those like the one in this painting. As a child they fascinated me. Perhaps it is that reminder of God's faithful leading, which drew me to paint this cloud. It was inspired by an early forming storm cloud, that I saw on a trip with my husband Emil and our daughter, Bethel. I snapped a shot of it, knowing I wanted to paint it later.


"Awakening Blossom"


Original gouache painting, varnished archivally, and cradled on wood. Size of painting, aprox. 24"x12".



I chose to paint this view of the rose, because it seems to be rising or "Awakening". The thought of blossoming where God puts you, no matter the circumstances, is what I thought of. This is the only floral in the "Set Free" series.


"Watching Another Day Fade"


Original gouache painting, varnished archivally, and cradled on wood. Size of painting, aprox. 24"x12".




As a day dies, there is a sadness yet a beauty to it. It can be one of the most beautiful times of day and yet knowing the darkness is coming can cause sadness. Yet the joy of knowing a new day waits beyond makes us thankful the day ends. One day dies and another one is born.





"Resting Beneath the Boughs"


Original watercolor painting on watercolor paper, matted and framed. Size of painting, aprox. 12"x9".



There is something so peaceful about laying beneath an ancient oak, with its arms outspread to shade and protect you from the sun. A feeling of protection much like our Heavenly Father who would gather us under His wings and for safety. I did this painting with a looser approach to bring contrast not only in color and tone to the tree and its leaves; but also a contrast between soft edges and crisp edges to help bring the eye forward and give the impression of realism.


"Does the Road Lead Home?"


Original gouache painting, varnished archivally, and cradled on wood. Size of painting, aprox. 10"x8".



Riding home with my family on a road trip, I was watching the sun set behind the horizon, as the road stretched away into it till it disappeared. I thought about how lonely the road looked and how it would be dark soon. I thought, how sad I would be if this road didn't lead home. Do we know the road we are on will lead us home?

"Still Growing"


Original watercolor painting on watercolor paper. Framed and matted. Size of painting, aprox. 4"x6"; size with frame, aprox. 8"x10". 

"Still Growing" is a painting of potential. No, this tree is not a mighty oak yet. It is young and somewhat spindly, yet has the full potential to be mighty and great, like many of the other oaks in this series. We may not be what we should be yet, but hopefully we are still growing, and the Bible says to not "despise the day of small things."




Original Gouache painting on clay panel, varnished archivally and cradled on wood. Size of painting, 6"x6" .



Of all the sunsets in this series, this one is the most peaceful, the most still. It is like a quiet hour, when we are alone in thought or prayer. Like a whisper from the still, small voice of God, reminding us of His presence.




Original Gouache painting on clay panel, varnished archivally and cradled on wood. Size of painting, 6"x6" .



This is the most recent of a mini series of small sunsets, with oak silhouettes. I have done similar ones in the past and often come back to this subject, as it speaks to me so much, and they are such fun to paint. I think of the safety an oak provides and liken it to the safety of the refuge of God, thus the title of the painting.


"Ancient One"


Original Gouache painting on clay panel, varnished archivally and cradled on wood. Size of painting, 6"x6" .



Our God is the Ancient of Days, the true "Ancient One". When I see the ancient oaks all around the Savannah area, I often wonder how old each one is. I wonder what changes each oak has seen in it's lifetime and how much longer they will stand. They seem to be eternal; and yet they are not. They will eventually die, so they are only but a shadow of my Heavenly Father - not a full picture of His greatness. God is not only Ancient of Days, He truly is eternal and will always be.






"Last Light"


Original Gouache painting on clay panel, varnished archivally and framed. Size of painting, 5"x5", with frame aprox. 6"x6" . 



The gentle stirring of the sky as a few clouds gather round to say goodbye to the sun for another night. This sunset has both peacefulness and movement, and is one of my favorites in the series. It is as though the day has been "set free" to leave, and leave with us the memory of its "last light".




Original Gouache painting on clay panel, varnished archivally and framed. Size of painting, 5"x5", with frame aprox. 6"x6" .



If there is anything I can hope for in the last hours of my life, it is to be like this sky in the last hours of its hours. To be ablaze with God's glory, and a testimony of praise and joy to Him. As we said goodbye to my Daddy and watched him cross over to the other side last year, that is what I saw. A life triumphant over darkness, because his was a life triumphant through Jesus and His resurrecting power. Where is death's sting, and the grave - where is his victory?


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